Since we only get one set of adult teeth

Taking proper care of them is vital to ensuring they last a lifetime

When it comes to maintaining great oral and dental health, prevention really is better than cure. During a routine dental checkup, your dentist will have the chance to catch any early signs of problems and to treat them before they become an issue.

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Catching Dental Issues Early with Routine Dental Checkups

dental exam red deer

Unlike a cut or scrape on your skin, your teeth can’t repair themselves from the damage done by decay. Once decay sets in, only dental intervention will prevent it from worsening into a more serious condition.

It’s a similar story with most other dental conditions too. Things like gum disease, root canal infections and impacted wisdom teeth are highly unlikely to resolve themselves. Routine dental checkups allow your dentist the chance to catch these issues at an early stage – a stage when treating them is usually faster, cheaper and easier all around.

Schedule Your Dental Checkup Today

To make an checkup appointment in Red Deer Alberta, contact us today by calling 403-347-8008.

at bower dental centre, we offer

Flexible hours and a full array of dental services to keep your smile healthy

Bower Dental Centre has established a reputation for patient-focused dental services in Red Deer and throughout the surrounding community. We love helping our patients achieve radiant smiles and restoring confidence to their lives.

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